






  • 2007.9 - 2011.7 中山大学,本科
  • 2011.9 - 2013.7 中山大学,硕士
  • 2013.9 - 2016.7 中山大学,博士
  • Zhang, Q., Li, J., Singh, V. P., Xiao, M. Spatio-temporal relations between temperature and precipitation regimes: Implications for temperature-induced changes in the hydrological cycle. Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 111: 57-76.
  • Zhang, Q., Xiao, M., Li, J., Singh, V.P., Wang, Z.. Topography-based spatial patterns of precipitation extremes in the Poyang Lake basin, China: Changing properties and causes. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 512: 229-239.
  • Zhang, Q., Xiao, M., Liu, C.-L., Singh, V.P.. Reservoir-induced hydrological alterations and environmental flow variation in the East River, the Pearl River basin, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2014, 28:2119–2131.
  • Qiang Zhang, Mingzhong Xiao, V.P. Singh, Chen Y.D.. Max-stable based evaluation of impacts of climate indices on extreme precipitation processes across the Poyang Lake basin, China. Global and Planetary Change, 2014, 122(0): 271-281.
  • Mingzhong Xiao, Qiang Zhang, Vijay P. Singh. Influences of ENSO, NAO, IOD and PDO on seasonal precipitation regimes in the Yangtze River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, 2014.
  • Qiang Zhang, Mingzhong Xiao, Vijay P. Singh, Chong-Yu Xu, Jianfeng Li, 2014. Variations of annual and seasonal runoff in Guangdong Province, south China: spatiotemporal patterns and possible causes. Meteorol Atmos Phys.
  • Qiang Zhang, P.S., Jianfeng Li, Mingzhong Xiao, Vijay P. Singh, 2014. Assessment of drought vulnerability of the Tarim River basin, Xinjiang, China. Theor. Appl. Climatol.
  • Qiang Zhang, X.G., V. P. Singh, Mingzhong Xiao, Chong-Yu Xu, 2014. Flood frequency under the influence of trends in the Pearl River basin, China: changing patterns, causes and implications. Hydrological Processes.
  • Qiang Zhang, X.G., Vijay P. Singh, Mingzhong Xiao, Chong-Yu Xu, 2014. Stationarity of annual flood peaks during 1951–2010 in the Pearl River basin, China. Journal of Hydrology.
  • Qiang Zhang, X.G., Vijay P. Singh, Mingzhong Xiao, 2014. Flood frequency analysis with consideration of hydrological alterations: Changing properties, causes and implications. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 803-813.
  • Yu Zhou, Q.Z., Vijay P. Singh, Mingzhong Xiao, 2014. General correlation analysis: a new algorithm and application. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess.
  • Zhang, Q., Qi, T., Singh, V.P., Chen, Y.D., Xiao Mingzhong, 2015. Regional Frequency Analysis of Droughts in China: A Multivariate Perspective. Water Resources Management: 1-21.
  • Zhang, Q., Xiao Mingzhong, Singh, V.P., 2015. Uncertainty evaluation of copula analysis of hydrological droughts in the East River basin, China. Global and Planetary Change, 129: 1-9.
  • Zhang, Q., Xiao Mingzhong, Singh, V.P., Wang, Y., 2015. Spatiotemporal variations of temperature and precipitation extremes in the Poyang Lake basin, China. Theor. Appl. Climatol.: 1-10.
  • Zhang, Q., Gu, X., Singh, V.P., Xiao Mingzhong, Chen, X., 2015. Evaluation of flood frequency under non-stationarity resulting from climate indices and reservoir indices in the East River basin, China. Journal of Hydrology.
  • Qiang Zhang, Mingzhong Xiao, Vijay P. Singh, Lin Liu,Chong-Yu Xu, 2015.Observational evidence of summer precipitation deficit-temperature coupling in China. Journal of Geophysical Research,120(19), 10040-10049.
  • Qiang Zhang, Xihui Gu, Vijay P. Singh, Chong-Yu Xu,Dongdong Kong, Mingzhong Xiao, Xiaohong Chen, 2015. Homogenization of precipitation and flow regimes across China: changing properties, causes and implications. Journal of Hydrology, 530, 462-475.
  • Qiang Zhang, Yongjie Zheng, Vijay P. Singh, Mingzhong Xiao, Lin Liu, 2016.Entropy-based spatiotemporal patterns of precipitation regimes in the Huai River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4498.
  • Mingzhong Xiao, Qiang Zhang, Vijay P. Singh,Lin Liu, 2016. Transitional properties of droughts and related impacts of climate indices in the Pearl River basin, China. Journal of Hydrology, 534,397-406.
  • Mingzhong Xiao, Qiang Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, 2016. Spatiotemporal variations of extreme precipitation regimes during 1961-2010 and possible teleconnections with climate indices across China. International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.4719.
  • 2014年中山大学博士研究生国家奖学金
  • 2015年中山大学2014年度人物提名奖
  • 2015年广东省优秀团员
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